+49 (0)89 - 30 43 50
Olschewskibogen 5, D-80935 Munich
Gearbox AR 105 erleichert complete rebuilt with original Götze syncro rings with original ratios
strongly lightened gears (5 pieces)
An hourly gearbox overhaul with only tried and tested, high-quality parts costs €3,094 incl. VAT.
Here, your delivered gearbox is completely overhauled and the gears shown are greatly lightened.
The gearbox is unrecognisable in terms of shift behaviour.
The rotating masses are lightened so much that the synchroniser rings have to work much less. The gearshifts can be carried out more easily and, above all, much faster. If you do not deliver a gearbox, we require a deposit of 952,- € incl. VAT and deliver without clutch bell.
3.986,50 €
plus Shipping costs
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If you have any questions, please call us on +49 (0)89 - 30 43 50 (at the applicable local rate) or contact us by mail