+49 (0)89 - 30 43 50
Olschewskibogen 5, D-80935 Munich
Drive shaft engine flywheel F355/348 - spare part number 162909
From our own design/production. These drive shafts often crack in the original dimensions.
We have modified the design and manufactured the shaft according to the latest findings. This shaft has never broken. Not even with our 500 hp engines with heavily lightened, unsprung flywheels.
We can also supply an adapter to connect the drive shaft to the KW of an F 360.
The price for this is € 535.50 incl. VAT.
2.261,00 €
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If you have any questions, please call us on +49 (0)89 - 30 43 50 (at the applicable local rate) or contact us by mail shop@formulagt.de.